


The best aloha shirt is Reyn Spooner.


Good morning. 

It’s summer, and summers in Japan are known for being very hot and humid. 


During the summer in Japan, I recommend wearing light and comfortable clothing. I agree, I think Reyn Spooner is  the best brand of aloha shirts.



I believe there are three positive aspects.




You can wear aloha shirts in business setting.

In Japan, people usually associate aloha shirts with vacation attire. But in America, especially Hawaii, aloha shirts are considered standard attire for business settings.

In Japan, the government says that everybody should wear appropriate attire. We need to save energy on electronics and air conditioners.

Hence, in business settings, it is acceptable to wear aloha shirts. Although aloha shirts have not yet acquired citizenship.

I wondered why that was.

The image of aloha shirts is too flashy, maybe.

Reyn Spooner’s aloha shirts are not flashy. They fit in well for living Japan.




Good material.

Reyn Spooner has a unique material known as ‘Spooner cloth’, which is a blended of 55% cotton and 45% polyester. This fabric is the best of both worlds.

When you sweat, it will dry quickly. You can wash it thoroughly, and it won’t get wrinkled.

It’s hassle-free!




They have button-down collars.

The aloha shirts have two type of collars. The one is open-collared shirts. The other is button-down collars.

Reyn Spooner’s aloha shirts are designed in button-down style.

In Japan’s business settings, most people have a positive impression of the button-down style.

Easy to care for, feels cooling, and suitable for business settings.

So, I think Reyn Spooner’s aloha shirts are the best in living Japan during summer.



音楽熱想フェス in 河口湖2023、各公演のチケットが発売中!9月9日昼は丁さんライブ9月9日夜はSUDOMIYAライブ9月10日昼は音楽熱想トークライブ(曜日パーソナリティ全員集合)。9月10日夜はTime Capsule Orchestraのアコースティックライブ



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This is image borrowed from the official website.

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