Good morning.
Yesterday, I had an intense survival game training session. It was really tough! I sweated a lot and used up a ton of energy. To stay hydrated and maintain my energy levels, I drank 2.5 liters of water and had three rice balls during the training.
Today’s morning, My body weight increased more than yesterday’s morning. I had very hard training but my weight increased. I laughed about it!
■Time Capsule Orchestraのトークライブ(2023年6月17日開催)「TALK de BURN」がstand.fmにて有料配信!
■音楽熱想フェス in 河口湖2023、各公演のチケットが発売中!9月9日昼は丁さんライブ。9月9日夜はSUDOMIYAライブ。9月10日昼は音楽熱想トークライブ(曜日パーソナリティ全員集合)。9月10日夜はTime Capsule Orchestraのアコースティックライブ。