Good morning.
I’ve been thinking about when desires arise. Desires are like wanting hobbies, clothes, everyday items, a wristwatch, a car, and things like that. When you’re super busy, you might not even notice your desires.
To really sense a desire, you need to have a bunch of free time. You need time that you can use however you want to have desires. And guess what? You also need time to enjoy those desires.
If you want to be happy, you need to follow three steps.
First, you need a desire. Second, you make that desire happen. Third, you get to feel happy.
It’s super important for our lives to feel happy.
So, to be happy, you need a desire. To have a desire, you need free time.
That’s why it’s important for everyone to find some free time.
斎藤 滋(Saito Shigeru)profile
音声番組「音楽熱想」(Audio program)(Podcast:Apple/Spotify/Amazon/Google)
ハートカンパニー(Company to manage)