Good morning.
We have limited time. Everyone has only 24 hours each day. I thought I must spend my time quite efficiently, and I never have to waste any of it.
These days, I’ve come to realize that we can only accomplish a few things in a day. I must not try to do too much. To be satisfied, we don’t need a large quantity; we should aim for quality.
This thought is simply, “You can’t have everything.”
If you have a day off, you should consider it okay to complete just one task in a day. If you attempt too many tasks, you may not finish any of them and become discouraged. If you find yourself leaning towards this mindset, you should remember phrase:
“You can’t have everything.”
I don’t recommend spending time on social media than necessary. I have been trying to avoid using social media as much as possible. When I do have time for social media, I’d rather do other things.
Social media consumes a significant amount of our time.
Well, I’ve written quite a bit, but what I’m trying to say is that spending time with spare time makes us happy.
Remember, “We can’t have everything.”
斎藤 滋(Saito Shigeru)profile
音声番組「音楽熱想」(Audio program)(Podcast:Apple/Spotify/Amazon/Google)
ハートカンパニー(Company to manage)