Good morning.
A long time ago, I used to visit Sapporo almost every month. My reason was to meet members of a music group called “I’ve.” I first met Shimamiya-san in Sapporo, and it was during those days that I also had the pleasure of meeting KOTOKO-san for the first time.
Today, I’m reuniting with KOTOKO-san after a long time. We’ll be participating in a film concert for “Shakugan no Shana.”
Interestingly, KOTOKO-san was a student of Shimamiya-san, who is now a member of our company. The way relationship change is truly facinating!
斎藤 滋(Saito Shigeru)profile
音声番組「音楽熱想」(Audio program)(Podcast:Apple/Spotify/Amazon/Google)
ハートカンパニー(Company to manage)