Good morning.
Yesterday, I went to Shimokitazawa to get my hair cut. I noticed a change in my feelings towards different neighborhoods.
A long time ago, I used to like Shibuya very much. But now, I don’t want to go to Shibuya.
I like Shimokitazawa. However, yesterday, I felt that I didn’t want to stay for a long time. When I was young, I used to want to stay in Shimokitazawa without any specific purpose. But now, when I’ve accomplished my goal, I want to leave that town.
I’m weak in crowded place gradually.
斎藤 滋(Saito Shigeru)profile
音声番組「音楽熱想」(Audio program)(Podcast:Apple/Spotify/Amazon/Google)
ハートカンパニー(Company to manage)