This is a 5-minute blog.
Good morning.
I have been considering my family’s insurance options for about a year now. I am studying investment management and trying to find the best solution for us. There may not be a single best option, but I believe there are better ones available.
I think I might have joined an insurance plan that I don’t really need, so I need to decrease it. I have been examining various insurance options and started to change our insurance coverage.
■音楽熱想フェス in 河口湖2023、各公演のチケットが発売中!9月9日昼は丁さんライブ。9月9日夜はSUDOMIYAライブ。9月10日昼は音楽熱想トークライブ(曜日パーソナリティ全員集合)。9月10日夜はTime Capsule Orchestraのアコースティックライブ。
斎藤 滋(Saito Shigeru)profile
音声番組「音楽熱想」(Audio program)(Podcast:Apple/Spotify/Amazon/Google)
ハートカンパニー(Company to manage)