Good morning.
My wife and I are currently planning our upcoming summer vacation, which is just twenty days away. We’ve been discussing where we want to visit, what we’d like to eat, what souvenirs to buy, and more.
Researching the timing, locations, costs, and routes is incredibly exciting for us! One of the most enjoyable aspects of a trip is planning everything out before we actually travel.
It’s the perfect time to imagine our journey and get excited about it.
■Time Capsule Orchestraのトークライブ(2023年6月17日開催)「TALK de BURN」がstand.fmにて有料配信!
■音楽熱想フェス in 河口湖2023、各公演のチケットが発売中!9月9日昼は丁さんライブ。9月9日夜はSUDOMIYAライブ。9月10日昼は音楽熱想トークライブ(曜日パーソナリティ全員集合)。9月10日夜はTime Capsule Orchestraのアコースティックライブ。