Good morning. I couldn’t update my blog for the past two days due to some personal matters that kept me busy […]

The Memory of Summer Vacation

Starting My 5-Minute Blog Anew
Good morning. I’m back to work today. I was on summer vacation until yesterday. Ever since I founded my co […]

I’ll suspend my 5-minute daily blog from September 20th to the 25th.
Good morning! Finally, my summer vacation starts tomorrow! I’m exited to travel overseas with my wife. Due t […]

Passing the Baton
Good morning. I can’t seem to recover from the fatigue of these days. When I was younger, I used to recover […]

Feeling Extremely Tired
Good evening. Today, I felt extremely tired. I had some difficulties last night, so I had to wake up early t […]

Reunion with an Old Friend
Good morning. A long time ago, I used to visit Sapporo almost every month. My reason was to meet members of […]

Enduring for a Brighter Tomorrow
Good morning. Life has many facets. Sometimes it becomes soft, other times it becomes hard. When we encounte […]

Making More Time Without Checking Social Media.
Good morning! These days, I’ve been trying not to check any social media as much as possible. One day, I rea […]

My bedtime is getting earlier and earlier.
Good afternoon. A few days ago, I wrote that my bedtime is getting earlier and earlier. In the last two days […]

Everyday Life
Good morning. Yesterday, my wife and I visited a cafe and had a joyful conversation. Afterward, we went to a […]

Wrapping Up the Festival!
Good morning. We wrapped up the “Ongaku Nesso Fre.2023” festival last night. Thank you to everyone who came, […]

It’s a very very sunny day
Good morning. Today is an exceptionally sunny day! We stayed at Lake Kawaguchi from two days ago, and finall […]

Beginning the Festival
Good morning. I’m currently in the town of Lake Kawaguchi. All of our staff and I arrived here yesterd […]

皆さん、おはようございます。斎藤です。 久々に日本語でブログを書きます。 9月9日(土)、9月10日(日)に河口湖円形ホールで開催予定の音楽熱想フェスへのご参加を予定いただいている皆様、誠にありがとうございます。 […]

My Bedtime Transformation
Good morning. People say that as you get older, your body undergoes changes. I used to not notice this chang […]