Good morning. People say that as you get older, your body undergoes changes. I used to not notice this chang […]

My Bedtime Transformation

To have a strong body against colds.
Good morning. I see many people coughing on trains these days. During summer, lots of people catch colds, in […]

The Ups and Downs of Busy Life
Good morning. In everyone’s work, there are periods of busyness. At times, you have plenty of free time, whi […]

Monday Mornings Are Always Hectic.
Good morning. Every Monday, I have very little time. I spend more time than on other days. I create a schedu […]

My Weight increased After My Intense Training Session
Good morning. Yesterday, I had an intense survival game training session. It was really tough! I sweated a l […]

Battle Training
Good morning. I’m writing this text on the train heading to the survival game battlefield. Today’s […]

Planning Our Journey
Good morning. My wife and I are currently planning our upcoming summer vacation, which is just twenty days a […]

Lake Kawaguchi is coming soooooon!!
Good morning. Have you notice that the event day is very close? When you sleep 9days, you can join us at Lak […]

Everyone want to know about the future a lot.
Good morning. Sometimes I think that most people are very curious about the future. Even if you’re currently […]

I get sleepy every day.
Good morning. Lately, I’ve been feeling sleepy every day. In the afternoon, I start feeling drowsy, and in t […]

SAND LAND, I watched.
Yesterday, I watched the movie “SAND LAND.” That’s original story is made by Akira Toriyama. I watched it star […]

Hawaiian Vibes with True-san
Good morning. Yesterday, I participated a talk event about the movie “Sound! Euphonium – in ensemble c […]

Excited to Hear Torigoe Speak!
Good morning. Today, Torigoe-san will join me on the movie theater stage for an event called “Sound! Euphoni […]

Pre-Festival Tonight!
Good moring! Tonight at 8 o’clock, we’re hosting a live broadcast on the app. It’s called “Ongaku-Ne […]

Exhausted Brain
Good morning. After using the brain intensively, it becomes difficult to make accurate judgements. Yesterd […]